These three features of God’s creation underlie all the marvels of today’s communication systems. They are functioning in your computer, in your phone, in your TV, and in a million other systems that make our lives what they are today, including the screen on which you are reading this.
The electron – the contribution of these little buggers that zip around atoms and constitute electricity is that they are (literally) lightning fast. They make it possible for billions of operations to happen in a second.
The binary digit (shortened to “bit”) – this is the simplest structure of information. It is a digit (that is, it is either one thing or another, nothing in between) and it is binary (that is, only two states are possible: 1 or 0, yes or no, on or off, true or false). Bits can be used to form codes by which can be described everything that can be described. Note how the electron easily conveys the bit: “on-off” like a light switch. Your communication device is filled with countless tiny light switches (transistors). Leibniz was the first to recognize the potential of the bit when he (re)discovered it more than 300 years ago.
Boolean algebra – named after its inventor George Boole (1853), this is a logical system that harnesses the speed of the electron and the structure of the bit; it arranges all those tiny light switches to create the circuitry that runs all computer programs and apps. All computer programming languages are systems for applying Boolean algebra to bits.
God made a world in which wonders like these could be discovered and applied to make our lives better (or in some cases worse). It is our job to apply them to the greatest of God’s works, saving people through bringing them the Word of the Gospel, the good news that all sins have been forgiven through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ God’s Son.